{'popeye': (838091372, 1), (169595046, 2), (222083613, 1)}
{'amelie': (204548150, 2), (558149454, 1),...}
# Add a new item_id to the user_key list
redis.lpush(user_key, item_id)
# Cut out the oldest elements
redis.ltrim(user_key, 0, max_elements)
# Add the user_key to registry
redis.sadd(registry_key, user_key)
def sim_distance(user_data, p1, p2):
"""Return the distance-based similarity score for p1 and p2
The returned values should be between 0 and 1"""
if (p1 not in user_data or p2 not in user_data or
(user_data[p1] == 0.0 and user_data[p2] == 0.0)):
return 0
si = {}
for item in user_data[p1]:
if item in user_data[p2]:
si[item] = 1
# Find the number of elements
n = len(si)
# If they have no rating in common, return 0
if n == 0:
return 0
# Add up the squares of all the differences
squares_sum = sum([pow(user_data[p1][i]-user_data[p2][i], 2)
for i in si])
return 1 / (1 + sqrt(squares_sum))
def get_top_matches(user, ratings, max_items):
"""Get the most similar matches for specified user."""
scores = [(sim(ratings, user, x), x)
for x in ratings if user != x]
scores = sorted(scores, reverse=True)
return scores[:max_items]
def calculate_similar_items(user_keys):
"""Calculate similar items and set them in their keys in redis"""
objs = {}
for user_key in user_keys:
# Get all the user ratings
scores = redis.lrange(user_key, start=0, end=-1)
for obj in scores:
objs.setdefault(obj, {})
objs[obj][user_key] = 1 # Or any specific weight
for obj in objs:
# Find the most similar items
scores = get_top_matches(obj, objs, 5)
if not scores:
# Get the object key to be set in redis
obj_key = get_key('similar_prefix', obj)
# Set the scores in redis, and add the key to registry
scores_mapping = map(dict(x[1], x[0]) for x in scores)
redis.zadd(obj_key, **scores_mapping) # sorted set
redis.sadd('similar_registry', obj_key) # set
def get_items_recommendations(items, max_items=10):
""" Get recommendations for the provided items.
The returned value will be a list of tuples
[('AEC234', 0.89), ('123ASW': 0.86'),...] """
# Gather the keys for items, which hold the similrities
item_keys = [get_redis_key('similar_prefix', x) for x in items]
# Get the items recommendations sorted by score descending.
# We need a random key for redis
scores_key = get_redis_key('score', os.urandom(8))
# Get the common items, their scores will be added
# and the set will be sorted in redis
redis.zunionstore(scores_key, keys=item_keys)
rankings = redis.zrevrange(scores_key, start=0, num=-1,
# Filter out current items
rankings = [x for x in rankings if x not in items]
# And return the rankings
return rankings[:max_items]
get_user_recommendations(user_ratings, max_items=10):
"""Get the recommendations for user using his history """
# Get weighted scores, each key will be added to a new sorted set
# Each key from the items similarities set will be multiplied
# by the rating from the user_ratings set
weighted_score_key = get_redis_key(user_key, 'weighted_score',
redis.zunionstore(weighted_score_key, keys=user_ratings)
weighted_scores = redis.zrevrange(weighted_score_key, start=0,
num=-1, withscores=True)
score_key = get_redis_key(user_key, 'score', os.urandom(8))
redis.zunionstore(score_key, keys=user_ratings.keys())
scores = redis.zrevrange(score_key, start=0, num=-1,
scores = map(dict(key, value) for key, value in scores)
rankings = []
for item, score in weighted_scores:
rankings.append((item, score/scores[item]))
rankings = sorted(rankings, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
return rankings[:max_items]